PVP Stats (Frosthold)

See the best of the best and try to beat them


  0   -  0  
# Character Victories

Last 7 days

  0   -  0  
# Character Victories

This month

  0   -  0  
# Character Victories


  301   -  411  
# Character Victories
1 Nac1 28
2 Boo1 25
3 Han1 20
4 Dod1 20
5 Ser1 19
6 Tur1 17
7 Hel1 16
8 Lin1 16
9 Olu1 15
10 Xdx1 15
11 Ber1 15
12 Iva1 14
13 Bec1 14
14 Blu1 14
15 Dyn1 14
16 Bye1 14
17 Tha1 13
18 Joe1 12
19 Wch1 12
20 Mef1 12

Guilds Today

# Guild Victories

Guilds Last 7 days

# Guild Victories

Guilds This month

# Guild Victories

Guilds Overall

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.

based on PvPstats free software created by ShinDarth and released under the GNU AGPL license