PVP Stats (Frosthold)

See the best of the best and try to beat them


  0   -  0  
# Character Victories

Last 7 days

  0   -  0  
# Character Victories

This month

  0   -  0  
# Character Victories


  1399   -  1475  
# Character Victories
1 Mor1 85
2 Man1 72
3 Gra1 65
4 Sen1 64
5 Azr1 63
6 Fik1 63
7 Dys1 60
8 Ver1 60
9 Opi1 58
10 Has1 47
11 Aww1 45
12 Anz1 45
13 Rob1 42
14 Nul1 42
15 Suk1 40
16 Pac1 39
17 Ogk1 37
18 Tam1 36
19 Kab1 36
20 Bul1 35

Guilds Today

# Guild Victories

Guilds Last 7 days

# Guild Victories

Guilds This month

# Guild Victories

Guilds Overall

# Guild Victories
1 Light of Dawn 815
2 The Kingdom 739
3 Les Nuttenh Ayms 716
4 FSK 600
5 Not Good Enough 598
6 Ninjas in pyjamas 573
7 kabanZ 568
8 Hentaii Fanclub 557
9 Demons of Chaos 540
10 Kings of elwynn 486
11 Legion of Doom 460
12 Drink Water 439
13 Narcosis 439
14 Wrong Neighbourhood 432
15 Prominence 428
16 Haze 428
17 Deportivo Playa Ancha 378
18 RE MOA 367
19 Pozdro v Pocwicz 365
20 Pierozki 338

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.

based on PvPstats free software created by ShinDarth and released under the GNU AGPL license